How to Participate at the Fair
There are many ways to participate at the fair this year, from creating works of art before hand to hands on competitions on the weekend of the fair. There is something for everyone!
Adult Classes
Class 21: Needlework, Large
Class 22: Needlework, Small
Class 23: Arts &Crafts
Class 24: Flowers
Class 25: Antiques
Class 36: Adult Photography
Junior Division
Class 27: for ages 3 & under
Class 28: JK& SK
Class 29: Grade 1 & 2
Class 30: Grade 3 & 4
Class 31: Grade 5 & 6
Class 32: Grade 7 & 8
Class 33: Grade 9-12
Class 34: Junior Baking
Class 35: Junior Photography
Class 12: 4-H Section
To view the advanced prize list for class 12 use the link below

Competitions for the Family
1. Scarecrow Competition
Returning this year! *replacing our old display competition
Check out details using the link below
4. Fun for Mimma
Sunday following Tug of War
5. Arm Wrestling Contest
3. Kiddie Pedal Pull
6. Pie Eating and Potato Peeling Contest
7. Chip off the Old Block

Bolton Fall Fair Car Show
Pre 50
2000’s and up
Special interest
President pick
People's Choice
Sunday, September 22nd
Chairperson: Donn Summerville (647) 269 - 4405
Saturday Sept. 23rd
The Albion & Bolton Fall Fair Lip Sync Contest is a fun-filled event where people compete to be the best at pretending to sing along to their favorite songs. Those aspiring to be the next Milli Vanilli should come out and compete! Due to a limited block of time at the event, the contestants will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis. So, be sure to sign up as soon as possible! Pre-Registration Required on our website

Field Crops Competitions
Class 16: Field crops Adults
Class 26: Junior farmers/4-H
Vegetables & Fruit Competitions
Class 18 jr: Junior Vegetables
Class 17: Soft Fruits
Class 18: Vegetables
Class 19: Fruits

School Competitions
1- Tug of War
Open to all local schools/ youth organizations Each School can enter two teams in each division
Gr 5 and under
Gr 8 and under
Community groups
2. Get your class to create items for the Junior Section
3. Create a community display at your School to promote the fair
Teams to be made up of 10 student
Prize Money: each school that participates gets $50
1st = $150 2nd =$100
4. Create a Scarecrow Display at the fair.
Every year schools set up a small display board at the fair to win money to go towards their school!
Rules & Regulations
- Anyone who wishes to become a member may do so by contacting the Secretary.
Membership does not entitle anyone to a free pass.
Exhibitors upon paying a $3 exhibitors fee are entitled to show any number of items at the fair.
All entries must be accompanied by an entry ticket provided by the Secretary or no prize money will be paid.
Livestock, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Swine – No animal will be allowed to compete in more than one class or section of a class except in a case of a special prize.
All entries to be made with the Secretary, the day of the show, personally, or by letter prepaid.
No animal or article shall be awarded a prize unless deemed worthy by the judges.
No agriculture product or other article shall be entered or shown for more than one prize and no second premium will be given to one person for the same kind of agriculture produce or other article though awarded by the Judges. Unless otherwise specified.
Any person who shall attempt to interfere with the Judges while in the discharge of their duties, or who shall afterwards, on the premises of the Society, use any contemptuous or abusive language to any Judge in consequence of any award made by him, shall forfeit his right to any premiums of which he/she might otherwise be entitled.
No grain, roots or fruit shall be entered or shown for more than one prize and must be the growth of the current year and grown by the exhibitor. All stock must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor and all implements and articles of manufacturer and all other articles must be made or executed by the exhibitor within the current year and must be exhibited by the maker, inventor, or their agent authorized to exhibit them, but such manufacturer or inventor must be independent of said agents. Persons exhibiting contrary to this rule shall forfeit their right to any premium although awarded to them by the Judges.
Should there be no more than one exhibitor in a class or section, the Judges may use their discretion as to awarding the premium and in all cases, where they do not think the animal or article worthy they can withhold the premium.
The judges shall, in the discharge of their duties, be careful to act with the most rigid impartiality and shall make their entries in a clear and legible manner and use due care that the numbers entered by them correspond with the numbers on the entry ticket in favor of which awards are made. In all cases of doubt or difficulty that may arise, before making their awards they shall submit the matter to a Director in charge, who shall have power to finally settle the same.
All livestock intended for exhibition must be on the grounds on the day of the show by eleven o’clock a.m. and all other articles by 11:30 am on the first day, so the judges may proceed with their duties. Livestock to remain on the grounds until four o’clock unless otherwise specified.
All articles, soiled by wear or washed on account of being used are excluded from competition. Rugs or Quilts may be shown 2 years if not used.
Exhibits should not be removed from the Hall before 4:30 pm Sunday.
All entries or prize tickets must remain on all articles or animals during the exhibition. Any person, changing or removing entry tickets from goods on exhibition, or in any way attempting to defraud any exhibitor, shall be subject to a fine of from $1 to $10, or ten days imprisonment on a conviction of therefore. Exhibitors are requested to see that their entry ticket is firmly affixed to the exhibit.
Properly certified registered pedigrees from the Herd and Stud books must be produced to the Judges when exhibiting in the classes of blood horses and purebred cattle, goats and sheep.
No driving or speeding in the rings will be permitted by any parties except those who have made entries for competition.
The Society will not be liable for any damage sustained by vendors or others from any cause beyond the control of the Society.
The Directors will not be responsible for goods lost and will render every possible assistance for the recovery.
That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to retain the sum of $20 for a Single Membership, $2 for a Junior Membership, and $3 for an Exhibitor Fee for the ensuing year from Exhibitors.
All protests (if any) against the decision of the Judges, or any exhibit, must be made and delivered to the Secretary in writing within 24 hours after the close of the show, stating the cause of protest and signed by the complainant. All protests shall be referred to the Board of Directors.
Members of the Press will be furnished with a pass on making themselves known to the Secretary.
Judges are requested to report to the Secretary upon their arrival, when they will be furnished with tickets and badges.
All cheques must be cashed before the end of December of the year they are written, and all prizes and goods must be lifted before the same day.
In case of bad or unfavourable weather or other reasons causing the receipts to fall short of paying expenses and all prizes in full, after paying the expenses, a proportionate amount, exclusive of membership, will be deducted from such prizes, to enable Directors to balance the amounts without loss. The Directors feel that this course is the most equitable and fair that can be adopted, as any deductions will fall proportionally on all those participating in the amounts collected and not leave the whole sum to be a debt to bear heavily on the Society and thus impair its usefulness.